MEET Michelle Nyangereka
Mama, Wild Woman, Psychologist Believer Most transformative moment or decision in your life I’m in it at the moment! Mid-life/ peri-menopause feels like a whole new version of myself is...
Mama, Wild Woman, Psychologist Believer Most transformative moment or decision in your life I’m in it at the moment! Mid-life/ peri-menopause feels like a whole new version of myself is...
Mama, Lover, Author, Founder of Love Me Nutrition and over all badass What is your support animal? My support animal is a white dove- To me, the dove represents beauty,...
Big hearted Lover, author of Setting an Intention, Founder of sustainable denim brand Triarchy COMING SOON
Artist, word magician, designer, lover and father of 5 @atelierohara When do you feel most courageous? What does courage mean to you? I feel the most courageous when I listen...
Mama, wife, creative director and designer. A bit hippy, a bit rock and roll ... a bit punk, a bit purist. New project coming soon: @we_are_dhara What is your alchemy?...
Educator & Founder of Nonprofit Organization WE ARE R.I.S.E. What is your alchemy? Describe yourself in 7 words. Seven words that would describe me are: unique, motivated, resilient, strong, beautiful,...