MEET Brian O'Hara

 Artist, word magician, designer, lover and father of 5


When do you feel most courageous? What does courage mean to you?

I feel the most courageous when I listen to my heart.  Although It is more convenient , and i do listen to the teachings and wisdom of others, I feel it takes true courage to go deep enough to listen yourself in order to realize that the answers are all there.

What advice would you give your 22 year old self and what do you need to tell your current self more often?

Your path and purpose in your lifetime on this planet is yours alone and when you begin to honor yourself and the gifts you have been given you can finally connect to why you are here.

How do you express love? 

By being love.

Most transformative moment or decision in your life?

I have had many. I felt a huge transformation each and every time I was given the gift of being a father.   Another was when I finally had the courage to leave the path that I was on my whole adult life to embrace the unknown.Then staying in that alignment long enough to see that my  “difference” would end up being  my superpower.

What makes you feel loved?

I have only recently learned that if I truly and deeply love myself, my heart will open wide enough to feel the love of others.


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